Dr. Taylor Seier is able to order your standard diagnostic tests through LifeLabs locations, the closest being Terrace. This includes:

  • General blood chemistry

  • Iron

  • Liver function tests

  • Kidney function tests

  • Cholesterol and cardiovascular health indicators

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin D

  • Blood sugar and diabetes screening

  • Celiac disease (blood screening)

  • Hormone screen (thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.)

As MSP does not cover the cost of labs ordered by a naturopathic doctor, all requisitions for needed labs must be paid at time of service. Benefit plans often provide coverage for lab services.


Beyond standard blood testing, naturopathic doctors have additional training in studying hormones and achieving balance within the body through specific treatments. Conditions that may benefit from further testing include menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes), insomnia, stress and burnout, difficult weight loss, fatigue, depression, hair loss, menstrual irregularities, infertility, and low libido.

Various hormone testing options are available depending on condition and need. These include:


Depending on your underlying disease process, concerning symptoms or history of exposure, narrowing down what is causing illness in your body is very important on creating a plan to heal and move forward. Several specialized tests can be ordered to further assess your needs as a patient, which may include the following:

  • Doctor’s Data heavy metal analysis through hair or urine

  • Doctor’s Data complete digestive analysis and parasitology

  • Great Plains Lab organic acid, mycotoxin (mold) and environmental pollutants

  • Doctor’s Data comprehensive cardiometabolic testing for heart disease risk and treatment efficacy

  • US BioTek food allergy and sensitivity panels

  • Cyrex Labs autoimmune and enivonmental/pathogen reactivity panels

If any other lab or assessment tool is needed to further diagnose illness or enhance treatment, Dr. Seier is often able to find it and make use of it. This includes specialized testing for Lyme Disease, mold related illness, chronic infections, cancer cell typing, neurotransmitters, and detoxification capacity.